Movie Reviews

The Beta Test

Vanishing Angle, 2021

Jim Cummings is fast becoming an unbridled force within indie cinema, thanks to his unique mix of sharp-tongued comedy and dramatic weight that seemingly comes out of nowhere. His latest, The Beta Test – co-written and directed with PJ McCabe – is yet another incendiary blend of the two styles, this time focused on the world of Hollywood agents and a very topical, risky look at their underhanded sexual exploits and the power they seek to gain from them. Razor sharp writing, an explosively paced script and a now frankly expectedly excellent performance from Cummings help make this one of the year’s best, if extremely uncomfortable, gems.

A smooth-talking, bullshit-spewing Hollywood talent agent by trade, Jordan Hines (Cummings) struggles to separate his work life from his personal life; the constant need for attention he feels constantly interfering in wedding preparations with fiancé Caroline (Virginia Newcomb). When Jordan receives a curious purple envelope in the mail inviting him to a no-strings attached sexual encounter, his interest is piqued and he accepts the invitation, knowing full well the consequences of his actions in a post-Weinstein Hollywood. As his guilt and the fear of repercussions begin to grow following the act, Jordan descends into a frantic search for the organisation behind the envelopes; a search that ultimately forces him to confront the veneer of a person he has built himself to be.

Vanishing Angle, 2021

Jordan Hines is a terrible person, in the best way possible. This isn’t a man that the audience is supposed to deeply connect to or even like, but is fascinating to watch on a character level. People like this actually exist, and Cumming’s incredible performance makes it a treat to dig into that psyche and see what makes him, and others like him, tick. There constantly seems to be a war between two people happening inside Jordan’s head, threatening to spill out; has he truly committed himself to this life of falsity, of constantly selling himself, or does he yearn to leave this life behind, hating what it has made him?

Cummings’ false smile – carefully maintained to a pristine white so as to be appealing to potential clients – all too quickly turns to a sneer when he doesn’t deem the other person in the conversation worth his time. The constant stream of people-pleasing chatter he vomits out – “That’s excellent. Everything’s excellent” – hides the utter disdain he holds for the people whose business he is wooing. Jordan craves power, but can only find it through profiting off other people’s work, ultimately driving him to commit to an act that will potentially destroy the only real part of his life: his relationship with Caroline. When things hit rock bottom for Jordan, Cummings soars; an unhinged performance that is hilarious while deeply saddening as this man crumbles under the weight of all the pressure and problems he has brought on himself.

Vanishing Angle, 2021

The careful balancing act of Jordan’s personal and professional life makes for a wildly intense script – think Uncut Gems but for Hollywood agents – that isn’t afraid to delve into the more taboo aspects of the giant scandal that led to the #MeToo movement, namedropping Harvey Weinstein on multiple occasions. The frenetic energy of the film keeps the audience from getting too bogged down in the obvious sadness and depression of that time, but it can still be incredibly uncomfortable. After all, these are people that at one time, potentially still, admired Weinstein and the power that he accumulated. Cummings and McCabe are having fun with the pomposity of these people’s egos but that darker edge isn’t ignored and the film is all the better for it; walking the line perfectly for a fun ride with some serious substance.

The Beta Test is further proof of Jim Cummings’ immense talent both in front of and behind the camera and a fantastic debut for PJ McCabe; an exploration of one man’s manic descent into a world of greed and power that is sadly relevant in today’s world. The character of Jordan might not be to everyone’s taste, but thanks to a whip smart, hilarious script and Cummings’ total commitment to the role, he and McCabe have crafted a deliciously dark satire of one of the worst times in Hollywood history. If this is merely a beta test, then I can’t wait to see whatever is next for Cummings and co.

Vanishing Angle, 2021

The Beta Test stars Jim Cummings, Virginia Newcomb, PJ McCabe, Wilky Lau, Jacqueline Doke & Kevin Changaris – Available on Digital on Demand now.

Rating: 8 out of 10.
