Game Reviews

DOOM: Eternal

Bethesda, 2020

I have a love-hate relationship with Doom: Eternal, although it definitely leans more towards the love side. It’s a technically phenomenal first person shooter that makes you feel like a badass more than almost any game I can think of, ratcheting up the action and pressure from its predecessor, but lord did it make me almost hurl my controller through the screen. If there was one universal complaint about the 2016 Doom it was that it felt like something of an incomplete package, with a fairly short story and a multiplayer mode that seemed like an afterthought. Eternal goes in the complete opposite direction, stuffed full of almost too much content; with a 16 hour campaign filled to the brim with bloody battles and secrets to uncover, multiple difficulty levels to encourage repeat playthroughs and a far more fun, interesting multiplayer mode that shows that developer Bethesda has gone above and beyond fan’s expectations to deliver the game they wanted. Apart from a few repetitive levels and game mechanics and some lacklustre boss fights, Doom:Eternal is an absolute must-buy and one of the best first person shooters of this console generation.

Let’s get one thing out of the way first. You don’t come to a Doom game for a deep, emotional story. You come to murder demons in increasingly violent ways, splitting skulls and spilling innards as you progress deeper and deeper into the bowels of Hell coming up against bigger and more badass demons. Alas, the game must have a story to propel you forward and true to form for the franchise it’s kind of a mess, but that just adds to the fun. Doom: Eternal‘s story is epic, picking up 2 years after the events of the 2016 game, where the Earth has been all but conquered by the demon forces that were brought forth from Hell through the gate on Mars. As the hulking Doom Slayer, you are tasked with saving the Earth and sending these demon forces packing before they can complete their mission and completely decimate the planet. Seems pretty straightforward right? Believe me when I say that you haven’t seen anything. Any coherent plot line that might have been gets gutted just as quickly as one of the games many demons as your quest takes you across multiple locations including Earth, Hell and inter-dimensional demon planets. At these locations you will be tasked with collecting a myriad of endlessly powerful items that the game does its best to explain, but which ultimately ends up confusing the player more than it should. A lot of these levels seem like filler, as ultimately the conclusion of your mission does nothing to impact the overall threat facing you and causes the game to drag in a few stretches, relying too heavily on its excellent combat to drag you through the tedium. Ultimately the story is simply a means to an end for you to kill as many demons as you possibly can and in that regards it gives you almost too much content, with the story clocking in at around a meaty 16 hours.

Bethesda, 2020

The star of the show is undoubtedly the gameplay here. Doom: Eternal is just so damn fun to play and despite a few levels that just piled on what seemed like endless enemies, I happily sunk hours into the increasingly frantic and overwhelming demon slaying combat. Part of this is the movement of the Doom Slayer. He handles wonderfully, moving with a speed which seems completely unnatural for a man his size but which makes the combat far more enjoyable. The 2016 games physics were such that the double jump felt like such a breath of fresh air for the decades old franchise, with the lower gravity on Mars giving you a brief period of time to float above your enemies before delivering a crushing blow or blast from a shotgun. Eternal increases the flexibility of this movement with the introduction of a double dash – a move that can be chained in the air to give you previously impossible reach and manoeuvrability options – allowing you to zip behind enemies and pick them off before they even know you’re there. Of course that would be far too simple and the logical answer to this is to increase both the movement speed of enemies and their sheer numbers. The waves of enemies thrown at you are seemingly endless, quickly filling a room and forcing you to think strategically about where you jump and dash to in order to pick off the smaller villains first before focusing on the big baddies.

The enemy variety has also seen a big increase over its predecessor with upwards of 20 different types of demons to hunt you. These range from mere cannon fodder to mid tier terrors slightly harder to take down – like the fan-favourite Cacodemon or the jetpack-wearing Reaper – to hulking slabs of evil that start off as mini-bosses but who appear increasingly frequently to add another dimension of strategy (and pressure) to your late-game encounters – like the half-tank, half-demon Hunter. The highlight of these new enemies, however, is undoubtedly the Marauder: an axe-wielding, flame hound summoning behemoth, capable of destroying you at close range with his shotgun and from afar with his ranged axe attack. He is undoubtedly the most difficult enemy you will encounter apart from the main bosses and demands a combination of patience and fast reflexes in order to take him down; something you will find yourself in short supply of when you’re also surrounded by about 30 other enemies.

Bethesda, 2020

Fortunately you’re well equipped to quell the rising forces of Hell, with the classic Doom assortment of weapons returning in all their explosive glory. These range from your classic combat shotgun to the machine-gun-like “heavy cannon” to the trusty rocket launcher, all of which are fully upgradeable with extra features that change the way you use each weapon. Equip the combat shotgun with the sticky grenade mod and it becomes a low-cost grenade launcher that, if used correctly, can be one of your greatest allies. The Doom staple “super shotgun” also makes a powerful return with the inclusion of a meat-hook like attachment which allows you to fire it into enemies and hurl yourself towards them, adding another dimension to the movement based gameplay. While that sounds fun in theory, I found that the lock on for the grapple was somewhat unreliable and had a rather limited range, relegating the gun to more of a close quarters powerhouse. All told there’s 8 main guns and while it’s unfortunate that there’s no major new inclusion to the arsenal, what you do get is more than enough to offer a variety of ways to take down your enemies.

On top of this is the ever-present Chainsaw, which allows for close-quarters bloody kills (provided you have enough fuel), which spew ammo from the enemy. The Glory Kill feature from the 2016 game also makes a triumphant return, allowing for an instant kill to be performed on an enemy that has sustained significant damage and which causes health pickups to burst forth. The newest attachment to the Doom Slayer’s suit is the wonderfully named “Flame Belch”, a shoulder-mounted flamethrower which torches enemies and causes them to drop armour pickups. This creates another sub-layer of strategy in Doom: Eternal: resource management. On the normal to higher difficulties you will constantly find yourself struggling for ammo, health and armour and the careful, well-timed use of these support weapons on the litany of minor enemies which constantly respawn will often mean the different between life and death, adding an extra level of panic to a game almost overflowing with it.

Bethesda, 2020

In addition to the extensive single-player campaign, Bethesda has also spent considerable resources on revamping the disappointing multiplayer from the 2016 Doom, reassessing the format from the ground up. Gone are the standard death matches and map creator modes, replaced by a more modern, on-trend asymmetrical death match; pitting two player-controlled demons and their horde of minor demons against one slayer complete with their entire arsenal. It works surprisingly well, with each demon’s play style feeling fresh and adding a new dynamic to the proceedings. Whilst you may think the slayer has the advantage in his far more varied arsenal, that is not the case and both sides are fairly balanced and come with their own set of challenges. Choose the demon and you have a clear advantage in numbers, but without careful collaboration with your partner, the slayer will pick you off one by one, using the smaller demons as fuel to rain down fire on you. Pick the slayer and you need to use your movement incredibly well, traversing the maps quickly in order to cut the demons off from their partner and strike while they are weaker. Whilst it’s still not something I can see myself sinking hundreds of hours into, it is a marked improvement over the previous game’s multiplayer and something that should find something of a cult following amongst the game’s biggest fans.

Doom: Eternal builds on everything that made the 2016 refresh of the franchise great. The action is more hectic and fast paced than it has ever been, the weapons feel just as great with new mechanics and resource management changing how you use them, and the enemies you encounter constantly challenge you and force you to adapt your play styles and try new things in order to succeed. While the story doesn’t make a lick of sense and drags in some places, the sheer joy of the core gameplay loop delivers just enough adrenaline and satisfaction to keep you coming back for more. The multiplayer may not be for everyone but is nonetheless a welcome addition to the game that extends its playability until the inevitable sequel. Doom: Eternal is an absolute must-play game and one that you should experience as soon as possible. There just isn’t anything out there at the moment like the sheer intensity of being on low health with no ammo and gutting a towering 8 foot demon with a chainsaw to give you just enough health for you to take down his friend behind him. When his friend cracks you open like a melon however, just make sure you have insurance on your TV.

Bethesda, 2020

Doom: Eternal is available now on Playstation 4, Xbox One & PC.

Articles & News

The 2019 E3 Wrap

The annual Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3) has rolled around again for 2019, bringing with it a ton of new info, teasers and reveals of all that’s coming soon in gaming. The Los Angeles gathering gives developers and publishers a chance to show off their work and drum up excitement for releases both right around the corner and a bit further down the track. With most of the industry’s biggest names holding lengthy press conferences across the week, we’ve put together a bit of a highlight reel of all the standouts we’ll be lining up for on release.

Electronic Arts (EA)

EA had the first conference slot, opting to deliver their show through a livestream rather than their traditional stage appearances. Known mainly for their many hugely successful sports games, EA spent a decent amount of time showing off their next FIFA and Madden NFL titles – each flashing their highly realistic visuals and various new features. Yet what the people really came for were some much awaited details on Respawn Entertainment’s upcoming single-player Star Wars game. Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order certainly didn’t disappoint, giving us a lengthy glimpse of some real dynamic combat, characters and environments that look like they were cut straight from a movie. The game’s original story and lightsaber action is set to place you in the shoes of a Jedi come November 15th this year. EA’s conference also covered some upcoming expansions to their existing catalogue, including Battlefield V, Apex Legends, Sims 4 and Anthem.

Respawn Entertainment / EA, 2019


With Sony choosing to give E3 a pass completely this year, all eyes were on Microsoft for some of the biggest reveals and updates during their presentation. Recognising this, the company covered around 60 titles on stage – plus they made time to show off their insanely technical new Elite Series 2 controller and their plans for Project Scarlett, the new supercharged console they’re looking at releasing next year. Microsoft also went over their growing ‘xCloud’ game streaming service, while also expanding the Xbox Game Pass service to cover PC players as well. One of the biggest gaming items on the list was definitely Cyberpunk 2077 – the upcoming action RPG title from the creators of The Witcher series. With a trailer starring none other than Keanu Reeves, the game received a release date of 16th April 2020 from the man himself as he appeared on stage to surprised fans. Microsoft’s conference ended with a nice teaser for Halo Infinite – with Master Chief’s next big outing set to roll out alongside Project Scarlett next year. Microsoft also touched on a number of their upcoming indie titles, an interesting Blair Witch game and a Lego crossover coming to Forza Horizon 4.

343 Industries / Xbox Game Studios, 2019


The team at Bethesda spent much of the first chunk of their conference fleshing out their many incoming mobile games, including Elder Scrolls: Blades (now coming to Switch) and the cartoon free-to-play Commander Keen. The main events followed soon after, launching with another trailer for the upcoming Wolfenstein: Youngblood – a slick co-op shooter dropping in July for all major platforms. The new Doom: Eternal also got to show off its frantic, bloody gameplay and an expanded multiplayer mode – looking infinitely bigger and badder than its 2016 predecessor. Players can drop back into all the gory action once again when it releases on November 22 this year. Bethesda’s presentation also featured some interesting new titles, such as the time-bending Deathloop and the horror/sci-fi combination of Ghostwire: Tokyo – as well as some massive Fallout 76 expansions for good measure.

id Software / Bethesda, 2019


In the Japanese publisher’s second year in a row as a solo act, Square managed to completely raise the bar over the competition. Featuring several back to back announcements, the show finally gave the crowd a decent look at the Final Fantasy VII Remake – and it’s looking good. With a bunch of scenes featuring Tifa and other crowd-favourite characters, we also got a bunch of time looking over the game’s new, action-focused combat system – with it all releasing in early March next year. Rounding out the showcase was the long awaited trailer for the new Crystal Dynamics’ Avengers game. We were given a quick look of the opening scenes and gameplay with each of the 5 main characters (Iron Man, Captain America, Thor, Hulk and Black Widow), as well as some quick videos from the designers and the well-known voice cast. This one is sure to get people going wild when it drops mid-next year, but it certainly looks like it could use a few more coats of paint before it hits shelves. Square-Enix also made room for multiple ports of their classic games (including Final Fantasy VIII), another chapter in the Life is Strange series, the incoming expansion to their online Final Fantasy XIV and the sequel to 2016’s Dragon Quest Builders.

Crystal Dynamics / Eidos Montréal / Marvel / Square Enix, 2019


As usual, Ubisoft put their biggest players forward this year during their time in the spotlight. While also touching on some left field items – such as a TV show on Amazon and their own game streaming service – this presentation was all about Watch Dogs and their various Tom Clancy franchises. Set in a not-too-distant future London, Watch Dogs Legion has some slick visuals and some real out-there gameplay designs happening based on what we were shown. Expect to see permadeaths, near limitless playable characters and a fully realised cyber London when the game drops on 6th March 2020. The other headlining act here was the new Ghost Recon Breakpoint, slated for release in early October this year. The game admittedly looks decent with an interesting set up, and if Jon Bernthal (The Walking Dead, The Punisher) can’t sell it to you live on stage, nobody can. Ubisoft also gave some time to their new developments: Gods & Monsters and Roller Champions, while also bringing yet another Just Dance entry and some expansions to the multiplayer Rainbow Six – Siege.

Ubisoft Paris, 2019


Last but certainly not least, Nintendo delivered their livestream Direct video to the world as they have the past few years. Despite not having the great Reggie Fils-Aimé running the show for them this time, the company still managed to bring some solid reveals and details on upcoming Switch titles. Luigi’s Mansion 3 is shaping up to be a great time, introducing a bunch of new mechanics and multiplayer elements for its release later this year. The next Animal Crossing – despite being delayed until next year – is looking like it will do right by series fans and newcomers alike. We also saw some new gameplay for the upcoming Zelda: Link’s Awakening, which is shaping up to be a solid mix of old and new for its launch this September. Some nice surprises came in the form of new additions to the Smash Bros Ultimate roster – with The Heroes from Dragon Quest and returning N64 tag team Banjo-Kazooie coming later this year and early 2020. To cap off the end of the stream in style, Nintendo gave us a fleeting teaser of what is set to be a direct sequel to the magnificent Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. Buried in the Nintendo stream were also the incoming ports of Resident Evil 5 & 6, some further details on the definitive edition of Dragon Quest XI and the seemingly impossible feat of moving The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt and all its DLC onto the Switch later this year.

Nintendo, 2019

All in all, the 2019 E3 presentations had a great mix of reveals and details to cover just about every audience. Make sure to check out some of the shows in full if they’ve caught your interest here – we’ve barely scratched the surface and haven’t even mentioned the interesting stuff coming out of the Devolver Digital and PC shows. The only thing left to do now is work out where we’ll find time for everything that’s coming – the next twelve months are stacked.